Old name, new purpose: why we’ve gone back to RNID


A photo of Shakib, standing in a park and smiling at the camera.

‘It does matter’

‘It does matter’

Now’s the time to learn how to better communicate with deaf people and people with hearing loss.

We are RNID



Information about tinnitus, what to do if you have it and the therapies available.
Technology and assistive devices

Technology and assistive devices

Assistive devices that can help you communicate, enjoy entertainment and stay independent.
Support for businesses and organisations

Support for businesses and organisations

We can help your workplace become deaf aware.
Hearing loss

Hearing loss

The different types of hearing loss, how to get your hearing tested and what can help you hear better.
Local support services

Local support services

We provide information and support in communities across the UK.
Deaf awareness

Deaf awareness

Tips for communication, accessibility and being deaf aware at work.
Interview with Ross McCarthy from Married At First Sight UK 

Interview with Ross McCarthy from Married At First Sight UK 

Come fly with me: RNID and Virgin Atlantic 

Come fly with me: RNID and Virgin Atlantic 

The Darzi Review and reform of the English NHS: RNID Responds 

The Darzi Review and reform of the English NHS: RNID Responds 

Lipreading Awareness Week 

Lipreading Awareness Week 

RNID and the Disability Charities Consortium are taking part in the UK Covid Inquiry

RNID and the Disability Charities Consortium are taking part in the UK Covid Inquiry

Caroline’s story: sudden hearing loss 

Caroline’s story: sudden hearing loss 

Hearing loss and dementia: how are they linked?

This is a Discovery Research Grant awarded to Professor Sally Dawson at University College London in 2021. We’re funding this grant in partnership with Alzheimer’s Research UK.
Read more about this

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